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All Zone

novad query icacontrol all-zone

All-zone returns all chain information connected to nova chain.


novad query icacontrol all-zone

Example Output:

- base_denom: uatom
decimal: "6"
deposit_max_entries: "100"
controller_address: nova1...
host_address: cosmos1...
connection_id: connection-0
port_id: gaia.nova1...
sn_denom: snuatom
channel_id: channel-0
port_id: transfer
undelegate_max_entries: "100"
validator_address: cosmosvaloper1...
zone_id: gaia
- base_denom: uosmo
decimal: "6"
deposit_max_entries: "100"
controller_address: nova1...
host_address: osmo1...
connection_id: connection-1
port_id: osmosis.nova1...
sn_denom: snuosmo
channel_id: channel-1
port_id: transfer
undelegate_max_entries: "100"
validator_address: osmovaloper1...
zone_id: osmosis


novad query icacontrol zone [zone-id]

zone returns information about the entered zone-id.


novad query icacontrol zone gaia

Example Output:

- base_denom: uatom
decimal: "6"
deposit_max_entries: "100"
controller_address: nova1...
host_address: cosmos1...
connection_id: connection-0
port_id: gaia.nova1...
sn_denom: snuatom
channel_id: channel-0
port_id: transfer
undelegate_max_entries: "100"
validator_address: cosmosvaloper1...
zone_id: gaia


Register Zone

novad tx icacontrol register-zone [zone-id] [connection-id] [transfer-port-id] [transfer-channel-id] [validator_address] [base-denom] [decimal] [deposit-max-entries] [undelegate-max-entries]

register-zone is a transaction that registers new Zone information. This transaction can only be submitted by a given signatory.

Delete Zone

novad tx icacontrol delete-zone [zone-id]

delete-zone is a transaction that deletes the registered zone. This transaction can only be submitted by a given signatory.

Change Zone

novad tx icacontrol change-zone [zone-id] [host-address] [connection-id] [transfer-port-id] [transfer-channel-id] [validator_address] [base-denom] [decimal] [deposit-max-entries] [undelegate-max-entries]

change-zone is a transaction that modifies the registered zone. This transaction can only be submitted by a given signatory.

ICA Delegate

novad tx icacontrol ica-delegate [zone-id] [amount]

ica-delegate is a transaction used for remote delegation using ICA. This transaction can only be submitted by a given signatory.

ICA Undelegate

novad tx icacontrol ica-undelegate [zone-id] [amount]

ica-undelegate is a transaction used for remote de-delegation using ICA. This transaction can only be submitted by a given signatory.

ICA Auto Staking

novad tx icacontrol ica-auto-staking [zone-id] [amount]

ica-auto-staking is a transaction used for auto-compounding using ICA. This transaction can only be submitted by a given signatory.

ICA Transfer

novad tx icacontrol ica-transfer [zone-id] [receiver] [ica-transfer-port-id] [ica-transfer-channel-id] [amount]

ica-transfer is a transaction used to transfer assets between chains using ICA. This transaction can only be submitted by a given signatory.

ICA Authz Grant

novad tx icacontrol ica-authz-grant [zone-id] [grantee-address] [authorization-type] --from [granter]

ica-authz-grant is a transaction used to transfer permissions between accounts using ICA. This transaction can only be submitted by a given signatory.

ICA Authz Revoke

novad tx icacontrol ica-authz-revoke [zone-id] [grantee-address] [msg_type]

ica-authz-revoke is a transaction used to execute transferred permissions between accounts using ICA. This transaction can only be submitted by a given signatory.