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message MsgCreateCandidatePool {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "creator";
string pool_id = 1;
string pool_contract_address = 2;
string creator = 3;

MsgCreateCandidatePool is used to create a new candidate pool. In order to make pool, we need the contract address of pool id and pool.


message MsgCreateCandidatePoolResponse {}

MsgCreateCandidatePoolResponse is a response message for MsgCreateCandidatePool.


message MsgCreateIncentivePool {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "operator";
string pool_id = 1;
string pool_contract_address = 2;
string operator = 3;

MsgCreateIncentivePool is used to create a new incentive pool. In order to make pool, we need the contract address of pool id and pool, and valid operator.


message MsgCreateIncentivePoolResponse {}

MsgCreateIncentivePoolResponse is a response message for MsgCreateIncentivePool.


message MsgSetPoolWeight {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "operator";
string pool_id = 1;
uint64 new_weight = 2;
string operator = 3;

MsgSetPoolWeight is a message used to modify the weight of the incentive pool.

It can only be submitted by the correct controller.


message MsgSetPoolWeightResponse {}

MsgSetPoolWeightResponse is a response message for MsgSetPoolWeight.


message MsgSetMultiplePoolWeight {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "operator";
repeated NewPoolWeight new_pool_data = 1 [ (gogoproto.nullable) = false ];
string operator = 2;

MsgSetMultiplePoolWeight is a message used to modify the weight of several incentive pools at once.

It can only be submitted by the correct controller.


message MsgSetMultiplePoolWeightResponse {}

MsgSetMultiplePoolWeightResponse is a response message for MsgSetMultiplePoolWeight.


message NewPoolWeight {
string pool_id = 1;
uint64 new_weight = 2;

NewPoolWeight is a structure consisting of pool id and weight.