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  • Red line: User action
  • Blue line: Bot action
λ\lambdaCommission Rate (0λ10 \le \lambda \le 1)
BOB_OBuffered amount temporary held before oracle-update
BLB_LBuffered amount temporary held for lazy minting
NNTotal staked amount gotten from oracle
N~\tilde{N}Estimate for current total staked amount (N~=N+BOBL\tilde{N} = N + B_O - B_L)
ndn_dAmount of deposited wAssets
nwn_wAmount of withdrew wAssets
nrn_rAmount of reward
LLTotal supply of snAssets
Δl\Delta lDifferential <minted | burned> snAssets amount
α\alphaShare <enhancement | reduction> ratio
TBT_BBatch period
TUT_UUndelegation period
MMThe maximum number of undelegation requests