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Bounty Tasks

Supernova, an app-chain based on Cosmos-sdk, is the ultimate platform for staked aseets. In order to build the secure, credible, and reliable chain, the role of valdiators requires significant duties such as maintaining reasonable uptime, proposing new blocks, and participating in the governance. Thus, delegating tokens to validators in the beginning is the inevitable action.

Therefore, the Supernova Foundation is announcing the bounty program designed to evaluate the qualification of validators and benefit the testnet particiapnts.

In order to be qualified for the airdrop, one must complete the both on/off-chain tasks by following the guideline based on the Crew3.

Crew3 is the community tool that help onboarding of community members through the various tasks.


  1. We will NOT verify your submission is valid until the incentivized testnet has finished.
  2. The points listed in the task are the maximum that you can earn by completing the tasks. Points acquired from violation or cheating will be counted as invalid.
  3. You will be asked to provide your own address associated with the account that completed the task.
  4. Most tasks can only be completed once (e.g. we will NOT reward you for delegating or making multiple transaction for the one task twice)

How To Submit A Task

You MUST complete your tasks through the Crew 3 (The link will be only valid once the Incentivized Testnet begins). We will verify both points from Crew 3 and on-chain activities synchronously. Only people who satisfy both Crew 3 and on-chain criteria will be rewarded.

The maximum points acquirable from the Crew 3’s basic Tasks are 1,350XP which is the minimum XP that must be collected. However, if you complete the Extra Tasks for “Cross-Chaine Users” that consists of total 900 XP, you may get the additional reward.


Questions about incentivized testnet are ONLY allowed in the #testnet-tasks channel. If you ask questions in other channels, you risk losing your incentives.



If you are a light user, cross-chain user, validator, developer, and/or hacker, please take a closer look at the following:

Light UserTask Social Tasks, ATOM Tasks, OSMO Tasks, JUNO Tasks, NOVA Tasks
Interchain UserTask Cross chain Tasks
ValidatorTask Validator Tasks
DeveloperTask Special Tasks
HackerTask Adversarial Tasks

Onboarding Tasks

You can solve the quest more easily in our!

Social Tasks

1Join Supernova Discord50XP
2Follow Supernova Twitter50XP
3Download Keplr Wallet50XP
4Register your Discord ID and Nova Wallet Address50XP
5RT the Incentive Testnet Announcement Tweet50XP
6RT the Endgame of Supernova Tweet50XP
7RT the How to Get Started on Supernova Tweet50XP

ATOM Tasks

Total XP : 300XP

8Claim Testnet Token from Discord Botlink to all the transactions50XP
9Stake ATOM and Claim snATOMlink to all the transactions50XP
10Unstake snATOM and Claim ATOMlink to all the transactions50XP
11SWAP ATOM to snATOMlink to all the transactions50XP
12Provide liquidity to ATOM/snATOM Poollink to all the transactions50XP
13Stake ATOM/snATOM LP tokens and claim NOVAlink to all the transactions50XP

OSMO Tasks

Total XP : 250XP

14Stake OSMO and Claim snOSMOlink to all the transactions50XP
15Unstake snOSMO and Claim OSMOlink to all the transactions50XP
16SWAP OSMO to snOSMOlink to all the transactions50XP
17Provide liquidity to OSMO/snOSMO Poollink to all the transactions50XP
18Stake OSMO/snOSMO LP tokens and claim NOVAlink to all the transactions50XP

JUNO Tasks

Total XP : 250XP

19Stake JUNO and Claim snJUNOlink to all the transactions50XP
20Unstake snJUNO and Claim JUNOlink to all the transactions50XP
21SWAP JUNO to snJUNOlink to all the transactions50XP
22Provide liquidity to JUNO/snJUNO Poolslink to all the transactions50XP
23Stake JUNO/snJUNO LP tokens and claim NOVAlink to all the transactions50XP

NOVA Tasks

Total XP : 200XP

24Delegate NOVA to validatorlink to all the transactions50XP
25Vote for the Supernova Proposal #1link to all the transactions50XP
26Vote for the Supernova Proposal #2link to all the transactions50XP
27Vote for the Supernova Proposal #3link to all the transactions50XP

Extra Quests for Cross-Chain User

Total XP : 900XP

28Deposit ATOM to Supernovalink to all the transactions150XP
29Withdraw ATOM from Supernovalink to all the transactions150XP
30Deposit OSMO to Supernovalink to all the transactions150XP
31Withdraw OSMO from Supernovalink to all the transactions150XP
32Deposit JUNO to Supernovalink to all the transactions150XP
33Withdraw JUNO from Supernovalink to all the transactions150XP

Validator Tasks

34Run a validator node during the test period (at least 3 days)your address on Supernova, and link to the signed/created blocksperiod, stability150
35Find incorrectly published seed/peer nodes on the listsubmit the form through the [unmatched seed/peer node] section-50
36Warn/Re-run the inactivated node (on discord)Bot would be welcome & your discord handle, and link to a few of the messages-150

👍 Additional Tasks

Relayer Tasks

37Run a relayer during the test period (at least 3 days)no evidence is required, but at least one of tasks #7, #8, or #9 must be submitted togetherperiod, stability150
38Run a relayer between Supernova and Stub Cosmos Hub chainlink to the transactions relayed & Capture of Memonumber200
39Run a relayer between Supernova and Stub Osmosis chainlink to the transactions relayed & Capture of Memonumber200
40Run a relayer between Supernova and Stub Juno chainlink to the transactions relayed & Capture of Memonumber200

Stub chain mean the 'fake' chain of Cosmos Hub, Osmosis and Juno for this testnet, Champagne. You can check the RPC address in [here](/For%20Developers/Running%20Supernova#Test chain tendermint RPC)

Governance Tasks

41Votes on some propoal(s)
  • create proposals, and vote
link to all the transactions-10 per each
(total 20)

🗡️ Adversarial Tasks

42DoS attacks on Supernova testnet and/or relayerssubmit the details on the form & link to your address(es) on Supernova-750
43Halt the chain with/without a DoS attacksubmit the details on the form & link to your address(es) on Supernovahalting period750
44Steal or misuse other user's assetslink to the transaction-1000
45Make mis-consensus/non-consensus blockyour address on Supernova and link to the signed/created blocks-1000
46Break the Supernova protocol through relayer misbehaviorrelayer misbehavior submit the details on the form & link to the transactions/packets relayed-500
47Get jailed; do a double signing or something harmfullink to the transaction-150
48Get unjailedlink to the transaction-50

📚 Community Tasks

49Submit this Google Formno evidence is required--
50Best Memesyour discord handle, and link to a few of the messagesquantity (reactions)150
51Resolve over 20 users' questions in discord (high-quality answers only)your discord handle, and link to a few of the messagesnumber2 per each
(Max 100)
52Retweet Supernova's official announcementsyour Twitter handle, and link to the retweet message-50
53Helpful postslink to the postsquality and quantity100

🛰 Special Tasks

54Deploy the sample contractlink to the transaction & contract address & (optional) github link of contract-50
55Interact with the deployed sample contactlink to the transaction-10
56Create DApps on Supernova using CosmWasmlink to the contract addressqualityMax 200
57Join the chain upgrade through upgrade-module (at the end of the testnet)No evidence is required-150
58Maintain the uptime +99%No evidence is requiredUptimeMax 100